Giant TCR Advanced 1 KOM 2021



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Reach 428 384 334 395 471 467
Stack 497 579 591 467 548 702
Top Tube (effective) 529 617 540 635 677 554
Seat Tube C-T 447 402 524 587 632 622
Head Angle 57 77 65 81 63 65
Seat Angle 80 71 84 69 79 66
Head Tube 97 136 131 150 173 165
Chainstay 333 481 476 358 428 444
Wheelbase 1032 855 1053 943 1009 1217
Standover 767 683 862 899 742 888
BB Drop 69 79 74 78 60 71
Fork Rake / Offset 45 44 47 39 36 45
Trail 57 52 53 57 55 67
Wheel Size 700C 700C 700C 700C 700C 700C
Handlebar Width 473 447 449 492 445 498
Stem Length 93 92 105 88 110 124
Crank Length 154 139 187 146 162 184
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