

  XXS 51 54 56 58
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Reach 280 340 322 387 394
Stack 482 584 617 557 528
Top Tube (effective) 507 427 440 618 594
Seat Tube C-T 540 487 531 609 543
Head Angle 78 82 80 66 61
Seat Angle 83 77 59 64 75
Head Tube 103 125 156 185 222
Chainstay 444 483 335 390 418
Front Centre 467 554 543 481 532
BB Drop 62 69 77 63 73
Fork Length (A2C) 424 318 348 311 420
Rider Height 150-163 157-170 168-180 178-191 188-201
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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