

  52 54 56 58
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Reach 415 404 453 457
Stack 656 648 579 588
Top Tube (effective) 491 648 555 517
Seat Tube C-T 507 627 667 513
Seat Tube C-C 523 526 608 542
Head Angle 65 57 67 61
Seat Angle 84 63 77 64
Head Tube 111 117 153 176
Chainstay 489 358 440 352
Wheelbase 1110 1083 1158 850
BB Drop 64 52 74 52
BB Type BSA 68 BSA 68 BSA 68 BSA 68
Fork Rake / Offset 42 46 45 51
Fork Length (A2C) 388 327 426 386
Seatpost Diameter 31 30 28 29
Axle Spacing 12x100/12x142 12x100/12x142 12x100/12x142 12x100/12x142
Wheel Size 672 751 741 806
Tyre Max Width 43 35 48 46
Rider Height 171-180
Frame Weight 1223
Bike Weight 1642
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: Bike weight is frame/fork/headset/thru axles/seatpost/clamp

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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