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Reach 376 365 359 451 491
Stack 581 480 473 625 682
Top Tube (effective) 535 551 658 516 578
Top Tube (actual) 460 442 472 655 537
Seat Tube C-T 509 567 640 448 559
Seat Tube C-C 360 537 496 511 520
Head Angle 74 71 64 82 59
Seat Angle 75 86 64 82 85
Head Tube 143 138 132 159 203
Chainstay 475 502 432 504 380
Wheelbase 836 1033 975 1103 1202
BB Drop 57 77 78 58 82
Fork Rake / Offset 40 48 43 47 46
Fork Length (A2C) 403 373 438 364 335
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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