Alchemy Atlas 2018



  52 54 56 58 61
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Reach 391 406 451 440 332
Stack 479 622 527 673 552
Top Tube (effective) 570 509 653 570 578
Seat Tube C-T 498 538 498 543 647
Head Angle 85 69 70 79 87
Seat Angle 84 72 69 71 62
Head Tube 131 147 181 156 197
Chainstay 456 428 383 399 447
Wheelbase 875 973 867 1058 993
Front Centre 552 596 500 591 575
Standover 856
BB Drop 57 62 70 83 69
Trail 61 56 65 46 51
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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