

  43cm 46cm 49cm 52cm 55cm 58cm 61cm
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Reach 356 315 327 393 377 387 410
Stack 571 570 472 555 495 730 614
Top Tube (effective) 520 439 473 470 476 545 588
Seat Tube C-T 394 377 490 437 589 525 662
Head Angle 83 67 84 71 76 81 63
Seat Angle 82 86 75 59 78 65 84
Head Tube 81 104 124 137 149 183 217
Chainstay 459 352 503 398 439 436 440
Wheelbase 1177 1169 973 1194 964 1181 898
Standover 832 616 721 756 779 685 894
BB Drop 65 81 81 62 66 73 78
Fork Rake / Offset 49 42 42 52 48 53 54
Fork Length (A2C) 363 378 431 404 467 344 324
Handlebar Width 468 441 371 382 491 544 383
Stem Length 69 76 94 110 101 112 105
Crank Length 181 203 195 147 190 154 201
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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