All-City Macho Man 2016



  46cm 49cm 52cm 55cm 58cm 61cm
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Reach 297 349 306 405 442 453
Stack 533 454 492 475 673 650
Top Tube (effective) 450 596 622 623 538 608
Seat Tube C-T 512 436 418 609 694 492
Head Angle 79 65 74 73 74 72
Seat Angle 59 79 75 81 61 85
Head Tube 102 127 136 134 169 204
Chainstay 369 353 478 430 381 368
Wheelbase 1169 868 1184 1143 832 876
Standover 741 693 800 818 767 875
BB Drop 72 59 74 70 78 81
Fork Rake / Offset 45 52 50 53 39 37
Fork Length (A2C) 460 397 318 412 461 434
Handlebar Width 47 39 34 47 44 40
Stem Length 78 106 86 99 122 129
Crank Length 159 169 147 207 144 186
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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