All-City Nature Boy A.C.E. 2020



  46cm 49cm 52cm 55cm 58cm 61cm
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Reach 446 398 348 436 352 391
Stack 477 450 490 628 570 717
Top Tube (effective) 615 639 622 499 645 596
Seat Tube C-T 515 540 560 523 585 616
Head Angle 57 60 72 74 82 65
Seat Angle 82 63 67 81 63 74
Head Tube 105 140 111 126 208 208
Chainstay 400 436 481 355 479 452
Wheelbase 1103 1035 1191 1161 1220 1190
Standover 845 773 679 699 967 907
BB Drop 74 62 65 74 64 66
Fork Rake / Offset 44 54 49 49 48 40
Fork Length (A2C) 384 438 374 329 368 414
Handlebar Width 426 412 346 492 364 504
Stem Length 80 96 107 118 105 133
Crank Length 132 194 177 151 169 177
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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