

  46cm 49cm 52cm 55cm 58cm 61cm
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Reach 349 388 370 363 378 416
Stack 626 480 527 671 598 740
Top Tube (effective) 522 588 512 487 677 680
Seat Tube C-T 539 544 462 610 633 636
Head Angle 61 74 75 68 71 83
Seat Angle 73 87 81 80 81 69
Head Tube 101 88 136 160 141 198
Chainstay 448 452 514 475 397 394
Wheelbase 1164 1199 1157 832 1038 914
Standover 652 918 855 698 715 913
BB Drop 69 65 80 76 76 78
Fork Rake / Offset 61 52 58 47 43 43
Fork Length (A2C) 424 418 473 426 319 373
Handlebar Width 38 46 35 48 37 38
Stem Length 87 104 98 94 120 134
Crank Length 165 180 192 176 148 168
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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