All-City Thunderdome 2020



  46cm 49cm 52cm 55cm 58cm 61cm
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Reach 410 330 439 448 371 468
Stack 475 505 564 598 535 527
Top Tube (effective) 420 425 630 586 647 562
Seat Tube C-T 478 444 510 638 566 544
Head Angle 75 70 69 82 83 62
Seat Angle 85 67 62 84 89 74
Head Tube 128 138 171 186 207 195
Chainstay 422 363 449 319 416 397
Wheelbase 782 1153 1159 1031 1113 979
Standover 776 719 706 958 726 907
BB Drop 48 54 50 62 47 46
Fork Rake / Offset 49 53 52 36 45 42
Fork Length (A2C) 341 341 424 411 294 419
Handlebar Width 335 360 387 445 526 359
Stem Length 82 83 108 95 103 115
Crank Length 158 157 181 141 148 152
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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