All-City zig zag 2023



  46cm 49cm 52cm 55cm 58cm 61cm
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Reach 347 311 354 403 466 334
Stack 608 435 530 509 586 521
Top Tube (effective) 618 581 639 657 563 657
Seat Tube C-T 436 569 618 637 594 558
Head Angle 75 69 76 59 75 82
Seat Angle 81 64 63 73 84 66
Head Tube 121 103 136 132 190 178
Chainstay 466 490 471 486 391 402
Wheelbase 844 970 1025 879 984 1130
Standover 883 904 633 838 825 848
BB Drop 65 79 59 80 68 83
Fork Rake / Offset 56 53 44 54 49 57
Fork Length (A2C) 339 439 435 460 312 330
Handlebar Width 401 338 367 498 499 523
Stem Length 78 93 90 93 88 115
Crank Length 149 136 171 177 174 178
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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