

  49+ 52+ 54+ 56+ 58+ 61+
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Reach 411 442 348 421 367 386
Stack 552 565 496 572 717 537
Top Tube (effective) 564 522 641 592 694 565
Seat Tube C-T 505 451 435 578 634 622
Head Angle 70 87 77 59 68 88
Seat Angle 74 60 85 83 85 63
Head Tube 121 152 174 199 236 190
Chainstay 477 420 411 464 393 346
Wheelbase 1043 866 956 907 1021 1171
Standover 769 919 767 660 913 762
BB Drop 75 84 59 67 78 69
Fork Rake / Offset 54 55 49 45 52 43
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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