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Reach 401 525 395 518
Stack 485 650 510 734
Top Tube (actual) 459 502 528 762
Seat Tube C-C 372 493 440 592
Head Angle 71 62 79 76
Seat Angle 81 80 79 78
Head Tube 92 93 129 109
Chainstay 357 485 417 453
Wheelbase 1362 1154 1030 1083
Front Centre 825 694 696 740
BB Drop 43 43 39 46
Fork Rake / Offset 49 38 36 46
Wheel Size 30 24 31 33
Tyre Max Width 2 2 2 2
Rear Travel 118 109 143 135
Frame Weight 1649 1763 2066 2230
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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