Allied Cycle Works Echo 2021 (Road Geo)



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Reach 343 321 330 354 386 335
Stack 565 427 485 644 565 515
Top Tube (effective) 400 469 629 558 466 574
Seat Tube C-T 387 498 510 644 483 501
Head Angle 71 86 58 79 78 65
Seat Angle 79 80 82 64 61 83
Head Tube 121 115 157 177 222 244
Chainstay 474 357 433 347 371 388
Wheelbase 988 1178 1014 818 960 972
Front Centre 484 521 619 487 641 737
Standover 683 723 619 744 923 899
BB Drop 75 66 91 74 68 90
Fork Rake / Offset 54 40 39 45 55 49
Fork Length (A2C) 352 329 319 359 364 326
Wheel Size 759 597 703 676 827 653
Tyre Max Width 26 24 33 34 29 31
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