Arc8 Eero 2021



  S M L XL
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Reach 329 407 338 417
Stack 542 499 570 524
Top Tube (effective) 602 602 491 647
Seat Tube C-T 514 442 479 489
Head Angle 66 63 69 65
Seat Angle 60 80 77 73
Head Tube 153 131 196 167
Chainstay 399 414 386 448
Wheelbase 846 835 1119 1155
BB Drop 84 63 84 61
Fork Rake / Offset 59 51 51 45
Fork Length (A2C) 456 344 374 468
Rider Height 170-176 175-181 180-187 >187
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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