Arc8 Escapee DB 2022



  48 51 54 57 60
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Reach 356 410 452 364 422
Stack 531 564 462 572 505
Top Tube (effective) 434 606 639 585 595
Seat Tube (effective) 468 436 449 524 606
Head Angle 57 78 58 59 65
Seat Angle 81 61 80 59 77
Head Tube 118 124 144 172 193
Chainstay 434 380 406 460 388
Wheelbase 772 1136 917 857 961
BB Drop 68 80 75 67 60
Fork Rake / Offset 51 55 57 45 52
Fork Length (A2C) 407 445 400 375 418
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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