Arc8 Evolve 2019



  S M L XL
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Reach 385 484 490 424
Stack 565 618 721 642
Top Tube (effective) 565 554 727 581
Seat Tube C-T 371 482 489 626
Head Angle 62 79 70 72
Seat Angle 76 81 83 82
Head Tube 105 90 98 101
Chainstay 384 415 400 375
Wheelbase 902 1105 986 1360
Standover 770 726 579 611
BB Drop 52 59 68 59
Fork Rake / Offset 43 49 50 43
Fork Length (A2C) 486 432 556 544
Wheel Size 24 24 33 27
Front Travel 83 106 90 93
Rider Height <172 173-182 183-192 >192
Data Source ARC8 ARC8 ARC8 ARC8

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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