Arc8 Evolve HT 2022



  S M L XL
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Reach 485 515 479 548
Stack 628 494 510 669
Top Tube (effective) 554 564 551 743
Seat Tube C-T 446 511 422 566
Head Angle 58 59 67 54
Seat Angle 59 78 74 79
Head Tube 96 118 90 129
Chainstay 359 501 423 349
Wheelbase 1053 1283 960 1076
Standover 534 641 743 635
BB Drop 60 69 68 77
Fork Rake / Offset 48 46 52 43
Fork Length (A2C) 502 508 602 454
Front Travel 114 103 98 85
Rider Height <172 173-182 183-192 >192
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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