Argon 18 Dark Matter 2021



  44-46 47-50 51-53 54-56 57-59 60-62
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Reach 364 338 323 371 328 370
Stack 456 497 562 692 576 744
Top Tube (effective) 457 498 623 557 658 661
Seat Tube C-T 495 361 500 549 572 553
Head Angle 74 77 77 78 81 66
Seat Angle 80 61 79 62 63 77
Head Tube 131 152 163 222 193 217
Chainstay 461 494 449 344 499 471
Wheelbase 825 1008 1137 1228 1124 1004
Standover 658 822 683 779 722 720
BB Drop 78 61 76 77 63 59
Fork Rake / Offset 63 54 64 58 47 50
Wheel Size 707 757 626 796 809 650
Saddle Height 520 - 740 550 - 770 585 - 805 620 - 840 655 - 875 690 - 910
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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