

  48 51 54 57
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Reach 304 348 473 328
Stack 543 651 491 618
Top Tube (effective) 473 600 454 612
Seat Tube C-T 420 566 590 576
Head Angle 59 65 65 62
Seat Angle 66 76 71 72
Head Tube 122 116 133 163
Chainstay 422 490 488 352
Wheelbase 819 938 1088 829
Front Centre 468 499 575 556
BB Drop 56 80 64 67
Fork Rake / Offset 50 46 51 40
Fork Length (A2C) 427 330 334 423
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c
Tyre Max Width 39 43 45 47
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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