Author A 5500 2008-2010



  480 500 540 560 580 520
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Reach 492
Stack 585
Top Tube (actual) 500 516 488 622 500 564
Seat Tube C-T 425 596 546 551 642 455
Seat Tube C-C 462 500 482 630 532 501
Head Angle 79 61 81 82 74 77
Seat Angle 82 74 76 73 60 86
Head Tube 128 134 133 200 226 125
Chainstay 469 475 360 422 402 443
Wheelbase 1015 906 1020 1200 879 1164
BB Drop 74 63 69 75 73 73
Fork Rake / Offset 50 41 47 46 42 36
Fork Length (A2C) 421 405 399 320 346 319
Seatpost Diameter 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2
Handlebar Width 417
Stem Length 109
Crank Length 172,5
Bike Weight 8,6
Data Source Online Review Online Review Online Review Online Review Online Review Online Review

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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