Author A 5500 2011-2013



  480 500 520 540 560 580
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Reach 375
Stack 466
Top Tube (effective) 465 478 499 512 530 638
Top Tube (actual) 464 567 650 691 523 512
Seat Tube C-T 472 512 653 606 622 720
Seat Tube C-C 415 563 490 633 652 668
Head Angle 62 60 85 68 71 80
Seat Angle 72 64 66 77 82 65
Head Tube 129 129 128 151 164 182
Chainstay 465 366 470 467 443 405
Wheelbase 1033 1146 1059 1070 829 821
BB Drop 64 63 64 62 61 69
Fork Rake / Offset 47 50 53 46 37 43
Fork Length (A2C) 318 315 311 344 432 395
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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