Author Guru 2021



  48 50 52 54 56
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Reach 435 299 391 418 407
Stack 536 626 573 648 521
Top Tube (effective) 611 621 564 552 516
Top Tube (actual) 518 486 495 645 467
Seat Tube C-T 408 593 515 619 591
Seat Tube C-C 370 387 444 583 599
Head Angle 70 59 60 78 60
Seat Angle 64 88 61 80 71
Head Tube 112 148 164 184 197
Chainstay 492 436 414 345 414
Wheelbase 837 933 1160 981 862
BB Drop 77 82 68 59 84
BB Type 72 87 103 79 77
Fork Rake / Offset 49 45 58 48 53
Fork Length (A2C) 394 433 342 413 437
Rider Height 152-162 160-170 168-178 176-185 186-193
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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