Author Ronin 2020



  500 520 540 560 580
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Reach 420 372 454 423 430
Stack 527 537 535 599 733
Top Tube (effective) 425 636 555 609 526
Top Tube (actual) 533 573 567 535 621
Seat Tube C-T 543 460 487 527 497
Seat Tube C-C 517 446 478 574 613
Head Angle 62 73 66 62 82
Seat Angle 63 87 80 60 80
Head Tube 138 121 162 207 221
Chainstay 395 370 379 478 441
Wheelbase 975 1095 1180 1004 897
BB Drop 72 56 73 63 79
Fork Rake / Offset 78 68 68 67 56
Fork Length (A2C) 474 450 371 380 381
Tyre Max Width 48 40 41 36 50
Handlebar Width 429 506 521 523 395
Stem Length 88 76 104 99 104
Crank Length 165 143 209 190 196
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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