

  S m L XL
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Reach 418 345 332 480
Stack 526 586 567 606
Top Tube (effective) 617 547 512 692
Seat Tube C-T 577 513 534 677
Head Angle 59 67 80 74
Seat Angle 61 87 81 70
Head Tube 114 170 163 181
Chainstay 398 377 358 394
Wheelbase 915 1127 1218 1162
Standover 643 814 756 742
BB Drop 77 57 71 62
Fork Rake / Offset 48 50 59 51
Stem Length 88 77 114 86
Crank Length 198 181 198 171
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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