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Reach 431 426 372 485
Stack 497 598 724 701
Top Tube (effective) 484 630 510 639
Seat Tube C-T 467 462 452 449
Head Angle 85 83 74 60
Seat Angle 79 81 62 60
Head Tube 153 139 154 225
Chainstay 453 452 491 373
Wheelbase 1219 1201 925 930
Standover 674 628 841 865
BB Drop 83 67 77 67
Fork Rake / Offset 52 44 44 44
Stem Length 49 94 64 90
Crank Length 202 206 149 144
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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