

  49 52 54 56 58
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Reach 355 441 343 426 475
Stack 459 510 597 506 518
Top Tube (effective) 543 500 556 516 468
Seat Tube C-T 403 410 580 592 452
Head Angle 84 68 64 85 69
Seat Angle 76 66 82 73 67
Head Tube 122 133 160 179 212
Chainstay 390 472 450 432 341
Wheelbase 1015 1113 1027 997 994
Front Centre 461 514 509 682 557
BB Drop 78 60 73 71 56
Fork Rake / Offset 40 51 48 44 37
Fork Length (A2C) 320 400 351 342 416
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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