

  52 54 55 57
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Reach 437 344 329 351
Stack 504 502 494 633
Top Tube (actual) 510 542 473 512
Seat Tube C-T 483 522 409 554
Head Angle 71 85 84 86
Seat Angle 62 63 71 86
Head Tube 110 125 134 150
Chainstay 426 379 463 398
Wheelbase 903 805 1097 1061
Standover 596 663 674 769
BB Drop 69 55 74 71
BB Type pf86 pf86 pf86 pf86
Fork Length (A2C) 327 400 321 369
Seatpost Diameter 27 26 24 31
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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