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Reach 406 377 339 350 460
Stack 517 556 481 514 763
Top Tube (effective) 434 498 628 560 534
Seat Tube C-T 434 478 432 496 594
Head Angle 71.5° 72.0° 72.5° 73.0° 73.0°
Seat Angle 74.5° 74.0° 73.5° 73.5° 73.0°
Head Tube 141 141 179 211 261
Chainstay 431 435 477 362 458
Wheelbase 1200 891 1096 1016 1170
Stem Length 88 105 106 125 107
Crank Length 193 146 145 146 147
Rider Height 155 to 165 165 to 173 173 to 182 182 to 190 190 to 200
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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