Banshee legend 27 2017



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Reach 350 357 480
Stack 691 570 624
Top Tube (effective) 516 701 694
Top Tube (actual) 340 421 480
Head Angle 54 73 61
Seat Angle 78 76 79
Head Tube 135 120 144
Chainstay 475 417 365
Wheelbase 1086 1457 1265
Standover 601 654 705
BB Height 298 298 406
Seatpost Diameter 35 31 30
Axle Spacing 150x12 150x12 150x12
Wheel Size 29 22 23
Shock Size 9.5x3 9.5x3 9.5x3
Rider Height <5'8" 5'8"-6'2" >6'1"
Headset 44/56mm 44/56mm 44/56mm
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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