

  S M L XL
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Reach 438 445 541 442
Stack 578 630 559 637
Top Tube (effective) 668 506 607 634
Seat Tube (effective) 331 423 505 425
Head Angle 54 56 55 59
Seat Angle 79 77 62 83
Head Tube 136 140 117 143
Chainstay 414 371 453 471
Wheelbase 1181 1415 1027 1135
Standover 678 594 644 641
BB Drop 10 10 9 9
BB Height 305 374 275 318
BB Type 73mm threaded 73mm threaded 73mm threaded 73mm threaded
Fork Rake / Offset 41 34 37 34
Seatpost Diameter 31 26 30 33
Wheel Size 27 31 22 24
Tyre Max Width 2 2 2 2
Max Post Insertion 152 186 238 316
Front Travel 177 174 173 154
Rear Travel 160 163 178 191
Shock Size 205x65 205x65 205x65 205x65
Seat Clamp 30 30 33 41
Frame Weight 3.9kg 3.9kg 3.9kg 3.9kg
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: Low position - 27.5 - long dropouts

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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