Basso Astra 2023



  45 48 51 53 56 58 61
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Reach 384 380 390 397 427 346 336
Stack 633 589 487 506 653 515 639
Top Tube (effective) 576 452 431 647 645 561 579
Seat Tube C-T 429 402 588 526 652 520 696
Head Angle 70 74 65 73 66 84 60
Seat Angle 90 84 66 63 60 58 62
Head Tube 113 135 120 134 199 170 233
Chainstay 471 480 434 451 390 455 412
Front Centre 568 578
Tyre Max Width 39 30 37
Handlebar Width 471 388 445 360 482 492 417
Stem Length 81 90 104 124 89 103 110
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