Basso Diamante SV 2021



  45 48 51 53 56 58 61 63
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Reach 339 354 424 310 458 431 440 331
Stack 503 425 536 608 688 667 660 654
Top Tube (effective) 428 532 441 540 581 656 512 709
Seat Tube C-T 536 405 502 545 626 607 722 673
Head Angle 65 65 84 63 69 78 70 59
Seat Angle 80 86 68 84 72 82 69 85
Head Tube 90 86 140 113 169 151 178 260
Chainstay 357 372 431 423 350 440 421 406
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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