Basso VENTA DISC 2022



  51 53 56 45 48
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Reach 333 415 411 361 364
Stack 649 452 595 468 597
Top Tube (actual) 427 531 572 486 431
Head Angle 72 83 73,5 71,8 71,8
Seat Angle 88 86 73,5 83 80
Head Tube 130 192 155 102 111
Chainstay 361 378 443 441 387
Front Centre 515 580 669 565 582
Handlebar Width 427 421 510 469 457
Stem Length 88 131 131 95 85
Crank Length 172,5 172,5 172,5 153 139
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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