

  XS/46 S/49 M/52 L/55 XL/58
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Reach 331 344 395 441 360
Stack 457 620 590 639 706
Top Tube (effective) 537 527 651 561 588
Seat Tube C-T 438 525 518 467 487
Head Angle 65 72 68 65 75
Seat Angle 86 82 69 81 85
Head Tube 124 104 164 164 190
Chainstay 434 466 428 346 442
Wheelbase 813 1098 1104 1050 1028
Front Centre 487 607 564 701 673
BB Drop 68 57 65 66 75
Fork Rake / Offset 48 37 41 52 46
Fork Length (A2C) 400 431 314 375 378
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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