

  48 50 52 54 56 58 60
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Reach 393 436 375 412 401 345 363
Stack 584 643 617 481 624 608 663
Top Tube (effective) 501 478 488 515 608 573 683
Seat Tube C-T 457 555 489 558 489 591 606
Head Angle 66 81 58 66 64 67 78
Seat Angle 61 83 60 73 61 60 87
Head Tube 95 110 112 121 144 173 172
Front Centre 568 696 513 666 686 660 507
BB Drop 69 87 85 74 66 87 68
Seatpost Offset 24 29 27 29 21 23 21
Stem Length 70 56 79 95 78 81 104
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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