Benotti Fuoco Aero Disc 2023



  46 49 52 54 56 58
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Reach 417 390 333 440 322 368
Stack 466 425 609 540 567 585
Top Tube (effective) 536 584 591 565 658 556
Seat Tube C-T 485 520 467 416 536 575
Head Angle 78 57 68 65 75 67
Seat Angle 60 68 68 60 79 81
Head Tube 116 91 124 111 131 192
Chainstay 395 432 398 440 374 361
Wheelbase 915 875 794 1109 1141 951
BB Drop 76 64 79 81 58 60
Fork Rake / Offset 50 49 50 49 42 52
Handlebar Width 415 441 455 487 426 359
Stem Length 118 104 117 131 95 131
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