

  49 cm 53 cm 55 cm 57 cm 61 cm
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Reach 318 386 436 444 357
Stack 477 505 539 645 613
Top Tube (effective) 509 640 556 668 655
Top Tube (actual) 565 558 483 659 603
Seat Tube C-T 425 470 564 476 608
Head Angle 65 57 78 75 68
Seat Angle 62 76 76 77 62
Head Tube 123 109 152 190 194
Chainstay 425 393 408 386 505
Wheelbase 1223 1057 940 892 1266
Standover 715 797 708 753 868
BB Drop -61 -57 -80 -69 -79
Fork Rake / Offset 56 53 53 59 53
Fork Length (A2C) 360 423 331 414 485
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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