

  49 cm 52 cm 55 cm 58 cm 61 cm
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Reach 444 398 411 408 441
Stack 614 624 561 500 612
Top Tube (effective) 560 518 473 461 477
Top Tube (actual) 483 539 545 458 483
Seat Tube C-T 437 594 574 555 481
Head Angle 65 58 65 58 64
Seat Angle 66 63 86 68 63
Head Tube 123 149 185 177 222
Chainstay 407 486 445 459 367
Wheelbase 1148 858 941 1233 1197
Standover 730 808 747 856 836
BB Drop -60 -68 -73 -74 -68
Fork Rake / Offset 56 52 41 54 41
Fork Length (A2C) 357 392 348 359 455
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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