Bergamont Grandurance RD7 2020



  49 cm 53 cm 55 cm 57 cm 61 cm
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Reach 424 425 313 400 423
Stack 547 505 664 688 531
Top Tube (effective) 516 624 543 590 565
Top Tube (actual) 453 581 585 505 646
Seat Tube C-T 430 523 430 618 586
Head Angle 83 72 74 71 57
Seat Angle 80 67 84 69 86
Head Tube 95 145 172 208 213
Chainstay 499 484 392 507 380
Wheelbase 1103 1034 1167 979 1029
Standover 616 631 767 826 723
BB Drop -77 -64 -80 -59 -59
Fork Rake / Offset 43 51 49 53 44
Fork Length (A2C) 379 368 358 392 434
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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