Bergamont Grandurance RD7 2022



  49 cm 52 cm 55 cm 58 cm 61 cm
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Reach 425 449 474 441 421
Stack 461 542 654 524 691
Top Tube (effective) 568 618 575 497 565
Top Tube (actual) 602 572 608 615 678
Seat Tube C-T 490 486 505 629 555
Head Angle 71 68 60 61 79
Seat Angle 62 73 69 72 86
Head Tube 98 148 148 193 169
Chainstay 373 482 396 462 514
Wheelbase 1182 1143 1079 1054 1023
Standover 734 674 755 821 790
BB Drop -63 -79 -63 -58 -58
Fork Rake / Offset 47 49 58 40 53
Fork Length (A2C) 487 466 503 483 372
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