

  48 52 55 58
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Reach 312 391 445 357
Stack 567 559 673 475
Top Tube (effective) 524 603 647 626
Top Tube (actual) 450 514 641 460
Seat Tube (effective) 397 472 612 580
Head Angle 77 62 79 84
Seat Angle 72 82 78 58
Head Tube 81 135 120 180
Chainstay 468 430 397 488
Wheelbase 879 886 828 1140
Standover 841 907 958 975
BB Drop 72 61 73 65
Fork Rake / Offset 51 52 37 40
Data Source Retailer Retailer Retailer Retailer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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