

  48 cm 52 cm 56 cm 60 cm
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Reach 426 478 344 499
Stack 626 614 534 547
Top Tube (effective) 574 689 681 695
Top Tube (actual) 515 623 575 651
Seat Tube C-T 399 547 640 566
Head Angle 76 72 60 84
Seat Angle 64 66 73 68
Head Tube 129 158 173 195
Chainstay 373 514 505 407
Wheelbase 999 1224 863 1162
Standover 885 718 771 851
BB Drop -53 -53 -60 -65
Fork Rake / Offset 48 55 45 48
Fork Length (A2C) 393 392 382 483
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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