

  SM X-Small MD Small LA Medium XL Large XX X-Large
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Reach 430 408 359 394 417
Stack 589 502 476 559 688
Top Tube (effective) 528 442 439 522 445 654 619 648 488 595
Seat Tube C-T 502 494 539 442 458 440 582 574 448 505
Head Angle 74 83 67 78 73 84 75 66 63 59
Seat Angle 74 82 66 60 86 69 65 79 83 69
Head Tube 144 142 172 170 162 185 172 183 204 225
Chainstay 358 406 351 337 351 340 414 409 337 337
BB Height 277 295 263 306 247
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: In the brochure the XX top tube is incorrectly shown as 385mm

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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