

  470 500 530 550 570 590 610
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Reach 309 404 301 324 380 454 430
Stack 553 450 486 634 597 521 590
Top Tube (effective) 484 465 612 518 545 605 546
Top Tube (actual) 514 538 533 590 643 447 528
Seat Tube C-T 416 551 523 500 526 552 615
Head Angle 57 57 81 60 76 74 61
Seat Angle 66 79 87 82 61 79 58
Head Tube 100 114 116 145 193 176 233
Chainstay 503 465 423 402 369 360 363
BB Drop 55 64 65 79 67 59 64
Data Source Bianchi Catalogue Bianchi Catalogue Bianchi Catalogue Bianchi Catalogue Bianchi Catalogue Bianchi Catalogue Bianchi Catalogue

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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