

  44 47 50 53 55 57 59 61
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Reach 356 310 412 320 340 328 377 441
Stack 548 583 564 490 577 510 684 620
Top Tube (effective) 560 441 436 530 496 558 593 545
Top Tube (actual) 486 552 588 489 616 500 545 663
Seat Tube C-T 500 388 395 415 508 530 545 677
Seat Tube (effective) 433 384 596 551 509 662 493 610
Head Angle 61 75 83 65 70 79 63 82
Seat Angle 60 71 65 81 86 68 83 61
Head Tube 82 116 108 134 138 185 182 162
Chainstay 320 446 411 417 478 479 430 433
BB Drop 56 50 50 57 63 71 57 68
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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