

  44 47 50 53 55 57 59 61
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Reach 374 381 383 370 377 467 376 378
Stack 456 456 401 477 616 554 628 578
Top Tube (effective) 469 486 589 581 644 547 568 593
Top Tube (actual) 480 564 596 589 576 576 523 636
Seat Tube C-T 444 483 447 475 587 531 456 668
Seat Tube (effective) 519 536 403 594 611 506 685 528
Head Angle 58 80 64 65 75 77 78 60
Seat Angle 63 64 82 72 66 74 82 74
Head Tube 79 120 104 145 120 153 206 186
Chainstay 347 409 455 404 327 460 423 456
BB Drop 46 56 53 57 75 68 62 75
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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