

  46 50 53 55 57 59 61
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Reach 374 326 421 436 390 329 428
Stack 460 553 538 476 483 507 503
Top Tube (effective) 565 629 634 472 467 569 576
Top Tube (actual) 468 594 587 476 462 640 652
Seat Tube C-T 508 482 574 483 601 667 647
Seat Tube (effective) 432 593 591 578 650 629 701
Head Angle 71° 71.5° 71.5° 72° 72° 72.5° 72.5°
Seat Angle 74.5° 74.5° 74° 73.5° 73.5° 73° 72.5°
Head Tube 109 124 119 185 145 206 250
Chainstay 404 424 395 396 446 428 401
Front Centre 620 625 529 655 574 701 511
BB Drop 62 56 60 67 74 60 68
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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