

  44 46 50 53 55
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Reach 305 356 383 412 458
Stack 489 532 534 522 592
Top Tube (effective) 410 472 458 482 443
Top Tube (actual) 471 472 546 476 527
Seat Tube C-T 526 537 510 539 647
Seat Tube C-C 456 377 540 550 467
Head Angle 64 68 84 57 64
Seat Angle 75 82 67 64 63
Head Tube 96 111 155 147 178
Chainstay 459 400 451 373 469
BB Drop 53 47 64 60 58
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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