

  48 51 54 57 60
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Reach 352 296 459 303 414
Stack 566 586 645 517 602
Top Tube (effective) 545 600 591 648 532
Top Tube (actual) 507 509 580 531 460
Seat Tube C-T 510 393 566 599 624
Seat Tube (effective) 462 600 561 573 713
Head Angle 70.5° 71° 72° 73° 73°
Seat Angle 74° 73.5° 72.5° 72° 71.5°
Head Tube 143 169 173 207 244
Chainstay 382 455 343 489 470
Front Centre 683 584 555 680 718
BB Drop 78 80 57 79 68
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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