Bianchi L'Eroica 2020



  50 53 55 57 59 61 63
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Reach 317 314 402 344 403 337 474
Stack 444 583 431 461 555 519 630
Top Tube (effective) 477 622 639 656 646 638 694
Seat Tube C-T 417 441 490 591 682 654 597
Head Angle 79 81 76 67 70 82 67
Seat Angle 84 71 59 86 71 79 75
Head Tube 78 115 139 153 173 195 156
Chainstay 461 354 358 403 490 430 379
BB Drop 59 80 55 73 64 60 56
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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